Why Women Like Flowers

One of the best, and easiest, ways to bring a smile to a woman's face is to give her flowers. But to a lot of guys these things may be pretty and frilly, but they have of course zero practical use, unlike a television or a car for example. "What's the deal?" you may be thinking. "I just don't get it". Well my friend, we're here to help you decipher yet other feminine mystery; today we'll sass that puzzling question, "Why do women like flowers?"

They Are Traditional

Valentine Gifts For Baby

The giving of flowers as a gift stretches back into the far reaches of history. The Greeks and Egyptians gave symbolic meanings to the flowers long ago, some of which we still use today. In the Victorian era these meanings were used as a complex message system, signaling everything from romantic love to forlorn rejection. In fact, when a man in this time wanted to start officially courting a woman, he would gift her with a bouquet of flowers to begin the ritual. Flowers are a always in vogue seal of love and affection, and every woman loves to be adored

Why Women Like Flowers

They Play to Our Senses

The overwhelming thing about a bouquet of flowers is that they are a multi-sensory experience. The myriad colors are a feast for our eyes, and the smells that come from the open blooms are naturally divine. Also, a flower's petals are soft and plane to the touch. Flowers supply stimulation for the senses, and give a woman a occasion to stop her busy day to immerse herself in the smell, sight, and feeling of her costly bouquet.

Flowers Are Often surface a Man's ease Zone

For men, buying flowers is not a natural instinct. While he may feel comfortable in the local auto store, a florist can seem like an alien planet full of feminine sights and sounds. When a man buys flowers for a woman he is often venturing out of his ease zone. While he may not know much about flowers, a man who buys his woman a bouquet feels deeply adequate for her to feel some hurt in order to make her happy. Just the conception of a man going out on a limb for her will make most women insanely happy.

You may feel like you are clueless when you go out to buy flowers, and that's alright, not everyone is an expert. Before you bag the whole idea though, remember the above tips about why women love flowers, and think of how much she will love the bouquet you bring her.

Why Women Like Flowers

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15 Top Christian Books For Children

One way to instill Godly ideas in your children is to read them Christian books from an early age. Even babies and toddlers benefit from hearing God's truth on a daily basis, and colorful picture books are a great way to expose them to biblical principles.

As editor of Christian Children's Book Review, I see a lot of books published for children of Christian families. Some are ho-hum at best, but here are a few gems that no house should be without.

Valentine Gifts For Baby

Adeline by Kathryn Rathke. In this delightful tale, a wee girl who loves Valentine's Day learns a lesson about the ultimate Valentine: God. For kids 4 and up. (Baker Books, 2004)

15 Top Christian Books For Children

Bible Animal Friends by Matt Mitter. With vivid illustrations, googly eyed animals, and rhyming text reminiscent of well-loved nursery rhymes, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers will love this volume. This book is a great way to start introducing Bible stories like Balaam and his donkey, the Egyptian plague, how ravens fed Elijah, and more. (Multnomah, 2007)

Big Thoughts for wee Thinkers by Joey Allen. This is authentically a series of four books: The Scripture, The Gospel, The Trinity, and The Mission. Here is consuming talk about what the Bible and specific Christian tenants are, explained in a way that young children (ages 3 to 7) can understand-and enjoy. (New Leaf Press, 2005)

God's Wisdom for wee Girls by Elizabeth George. If you have a girl, one of the key things you can teach her is what a Proverbs 31 woman is. George does an perfect job of explaining this important duct to 5 to 8 year old girls. (Harvest House Publishers, 2000)

I Can Talk with God by Debby Anderson. When it comes time to teach your children how to pray, this book is an perfect tool. The pictures are consuming and colorful, and the truths of how to pray (and how God might answer) are told in an engaging, fun way. For kids 2 to 5. (Crossway Books, 2003)

I'd Be Your Hero and I'd Be Your Princess by Kathryn O'Brien. For children 4 to 8 years old, these books (one designed for boys, the other for girls) elucidate Godly characteristics and how important they are. I'd Be Your Princess won the Gold Medallion Book Award in recognition of excellence in evangelical Christian literature. (Standard, 2004 and 2005)

Little Girl's Bible Storybook and Little Boy's Bible Storybook by Carolyn Larsen are perfect choices for kids 6 to 9. Each tells Bible stories in an consuming fashion, and there are study sections throughout to help kids understand important biblical concepts. Best of all, there are ideas for parents on how to discuss these concepts with their children. (Baker Books, 1998)

Little One, God Made You by Amy Warren Hilliker. I began reading this book to my daughter when she was an infant. Now she's two, and she still loves it! The text is highly uncomplicated and establishes one important fact: God made you and loves you just the way you are. For children 4 and under. (Zonderkidz, 2004)

Little One's Bible Verses by Stephen Elkins is a superb way to introduce even the youngest babies to God's word. With sweet illustrations of children and babies, plus preponderant quotes from Psalms, this is an perfect first "Bible." (Broadman & Holman, 2003)

Parables Jesus Told by Ella K. Lindvall. In uncomplicated words and colorful images, this book retells five parables, ending each with a brief explanation of how to apply the story to real life. The book is designed for 4 to 8 year olds, but many younger children will enjoy it, too. (Moody Publishers, 2000) Sidney and Norman, the Tale of Two Pigs by Phil Vischer. Pigs Sidney and Norman are opposites. One is messy, the other neat. One seems to always succeed, the other never does. Then they both meet God. One pig learns that God loves him just the way he is, while the other learns that God loves everyone...even messy neighbors. (Tommy Nelson, 2006)

The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones is an ideal Bible for kids 4 to 8, detailing 43 stories from Genesis through Revelation. Each story in some way relates to Jesus and who he is, giving children the big picture of what God is all about. The text is engaging, as are the illustrations. (Zonderkidz, 2007)

The Lord is My Shepherd by Hans Wilhem. The greatness of this book is its simplicity. The text of Psalm 23-one of the most beautiful and comforting passages in the Bible-is paraphrased in kid-friendly language that clings closely to a contemporary translation. This book is other great way to introduce even the youngest children to the Word of God. For babies on up. (Scholastic, 2007)

Wait Until Then by Randy Alcorn. Any parent who wants to elucidate what happens to us when we die, how to deal with the death of a loved one, and how to cope with serious dissatisfaction will want to read this book with their child. Beautifully written and illustrated, for kids 9 to 12. (Tyndale, 2007)

Will: God's powerful Warrior by Sheila Walsh. Very few Christian books are targeted specifically to boys, so Will is a welcome addition. For 4 to 8 year olds, this book teaches children about the armor of God in a kid-friendly way. (Thomas Nelson, 2006)

15 Top Christian Books For Children

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How To Successfully Mail Chocolate

Chocolate gifts are, perhaps, the tastiest gifts that whatever could hope to receive. The problem with chocolate gifts, though, is making sure that they do not melt before they arrive at their destination!

This is quite easy if you are hand-delivering your chocolate gifts. But if, on the other hand, you plan on mailing your them, it is a whole other story. Here are some tips to help you make sure that your gifts of chocolate do not break while being handled and to make sure that they do not turn into gifts of chocolate soup:

Valentine Gifts For Baby

· If you are mailing a chocolate bar and you do not want it to break, try taping a stiff piece of cardboard to the back of it and then wrapping it in a piece of bubble wrap.

How To Successfully Mail Chocolate

· If you plan to mail a chocolate gift during the dead of winter, it will probably stay fine and not melt. If, on the other hand, you expect your chocolate gift to arrive fully solid in California in the heat of August, you need to think again. Avoid sending chocolate during times of greatest heat.

· Instead of sending chocolate gifts full of truffles and candy bars, consider sending brownies and/or cookies (save the cookies dipped in chocolate for colder months, though). If you do decree to mail cookies, pick out ones that do not break easily, like drop cookies. Pack them in foil-lined tin or small box. Put sheets of wax paper in the middle of the layers of cookies. upholstery the tin or box of cookies within the shipping box with plastic grocery sacks (or other such material). Mark the box with "perishable - food." Also write on the top, "this side up" to encourage meticulous handling.

· If you are sending other items along with your chocolate, place your chocolate in a zip-lock bag (and suck out all the air) to make sure that in case it does melt, nothing else is ruined.

· Pay a wee extra to send your chocolate overnight, or at least send it 2-3 day priority. The sooner it gets there, the less likely it will melt, first.

· Make sure that the recipient will be home when it is received. If your box has to wait on the doorstop in the hot sun, the chocolate will positively melt! Maybe even ask for a signature.

· If it is not a delicate chocolate, frost it before you box it up to mail it. It will not stay frozen, but it will take longer for your chocolate gifts to melt.

· Pack your chocolate gifts with freezing gel packs, dry ice, or other cold source. If you use dry ice, write on the box "contains dry ice" to warn the recipients. Be sure to pack the chocolate in a zip lock bag so that it does not directly touch the dry ice, and do not touch the ice with your own hands. Write "keep refrigerated" on the face of the box.

· Send your chocolate gift package at the starting of the week to ensure that it will not sit at the mailing factory over the weekend.

· Send chocolate that is already melted! In other words, why not send a yummy chocolate sauce or chocolate for fondue!

How To Successfully Mail Chocolate

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